1st day of CNY, should be a nice and noisy and busy day. But for my family, what we done?
In the morning:
dad : cycling...can spend whole morning for that. =.= so sporting
mum : prepare food lor..and those 拜神 thing..
my sister : zZzzzzzz
me : zZzzzz
my brother : zZzzzz
my youngest brother : join his school lion dance...leading the lion..what people call 带狮头, but for me, he is the botak fat guy with a bamboo fan d character.haha!
The lion reach my house,me n brother woke up by the the lion dance team, my brother jump down from the bed and go 'make up'(he so care his outlook d lar) and i go to my sister room, continue sleep..Haha!
i heard a boy talking to my brother after borrow our toilet:
boy : i dont know how to tide the pants with this long cloth, can u help me?
brother : ok
boy : they gone?
brother : yea
boy : har?then how?
brother : how i know u wor?
boy : will they come back?
brother : how i know wor?
boy : if they dont come back fetch me then how?
brother : how i know u wor?
boy : when they gone?
brother : the other side of the stret.
boy : then how wor?
brother : how i know u wor?
I think the boy the 1st time join lion dance lar..aiya..where u can hear the drums n cymbol sound, there where the ur team went lor..ask so many q...make ppl pening d boy..
i still last time, a boy who dance the lion head d, drop his pants! Haha! luckily he got wear short pants inside lar..else...charm lor..why this year didnt happen the same thing again d? (6)
After the luch, my sister and mum get back to sleep again, especially when i start chat with them... =.=''' so not give face 1! pressing the tv controll alone at living room, for whole afternoon. Sian leh! TV no nice programme to watch d! (bo huat..no astro mah) Suddenly somebody call my name. Gradma's sister! woke up my mum, the funniest thing was, we went ot my sister room (the hottest room in my house) and chat there! hmm..i wonder how many years i didnt see her?
无惊无险又到了晚餐时间.My dad back frm dont know jogging or hiking lar, and he go da bao 素鱼生.walau! that shop seems 持着自己是唯一一间素食店,调高价钱!他妈的!then we 打锣甘 find my 'lan街ing' d brother to have dinner together. Bik cik him! always want whole world wait him 1! >.<
At night, active time! go yam cha! woohooo!