明志都已经道歉了,怎么都还不放过他?还说什么网上道歉?还说什么对付youtube?如果是这样。为什么这么轻易就放过那两位‘月漏论’的大爷?还有那位挥keris的?还有还有那位喜欢就说tak suka balik lar的大爷?他们为什么可以草率道歉就了事?或者给个烂理由就可以gao dim? 同人不同命?这就是平等?
什么tak suka balik lar?大家都是平等,我们不是Mxxxxxxx born chinese(x马华裔),而是Mxxxxsian)x马人,什么回去?这里就是我们的家!大家一起搞独立的!如果回去,那就大家齐齐离开,因为这里也不属于你们的!
所以说,要成为一位好公民,就要懂得让自己变成聋子+哑巴+盲,国庆务必要挂国旗,那国家才会美好和平...套我朋友那句:this is big horse mah!
It's been few weeks talking about negarakuku, and everyday at least 1 page of newspaper mention about it. It should be come to an end but seems Mr dont feel like let it go..and namewee continuosly become political sacrifice...
If what he sing is not a fact, then why people support him? And if not M newspaper tried to take out of context, will it be so many friends threatened to kill him and so on the threat to him?
While we entering the 50th anniversary of independence, people start preparing their swords...after so many years, i thought we should be more tolerate and respect each others? It's those Mr's ambitious and racism fault which make thing worse!
namewee had apologise, but why not forgive him? And what what apologise online..and what what willl take action on youtube? oh come on..! If really that strict, why nothing happen on that 2 lovely Mr Bocor1 and Mr Bocor2? And how about Mr keris? and that Mr tak suka balik lar? Why they just have to give a perfunctory rash apology only? Or maybe just a so call nice good reason and safe till now? same Mxxxxsian but different fate? This is so call equality?
What is tak suka balik lar? We are the same what..We ain't Mxxxxxxx born chinese, but MXXXXSIAN! go back? thisis our home! We all make this land independence from british together! If need to go back, then we should leave this land together! Why? Because you not originally from this land too!
Equality? So fed up to those so call promise..They are just some beautiful words before elections only..promise? what's that?
As what i said, to be a good citizen, we should know how to be deaf + blind + dumb first. And remember to set our nice beautiful flag, it a must-to-do action ok? from then on, our country will be extremly peace! quote from my friend's words : this is big horse mah!