All the while I'm not aware when it comes to money issue. That's why I always have zero savings. I always tell people around me....I'm ok if I don't have long as I got enough money to spend. (although I know the benefit of saving la)
Recent days...especially when I back to staying alone, I just found out I have problem with money. Maybe I have more and more things in my wish list. Yea...and they ain't cheap.
I wish to go travel every month (my hometown that counts too)
I wish to buy some clothes (as i realize I have so little clothes in my cupboard especially pants!)
I wish to buy an audio tech headset (my left side ear phone started to siao liao =( )
I wish to buy a lomo toy camera (which I longing quite sometime already)
I wish to teeth races maybe? (not that strong feeling but sometimes it still pops out in my mind)
I wish to have a complete fasting plan (I tried juice by myself but failed)
I wish to own a car? (as long i can drive, doesn't matter if its old)
I wish to buy a new bag? (the latest hairstyle seems get me some trouble in dressing o.O )
I wish to..........
The magic of "next time ba" seems doesnt work well now. Guessing when people getting older, the attitude of materialism is stronger....Greedy's fault?
Better sleep now and dream ba!